Strengths-based leadership
Business Strategy May 22 2024
Strengths-based Leadership Can Increase Team Engagement

What is Strengths-based Leadership? Strengths-based leadership is the ability to identify and make the best use of your own and your team members' strengths. This doesn't mean that you, or your team, should avoid learning new skills. But you should feel able to delegate tasks that you're not so good at to others who are more skilled or experienced. The strengths-based leadership theory was formalized in 2008 by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie in their book Strengths-Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow.

 The book's findings include that effective leaders:

  • - Are highly aware of their own strengths
  • - Use their strengths to their advantage
  • - Invest in employees' strengths
  • - Gather together the right people to ensure the best team
  • - Understand the needs of their followers
  • - Are more productive if they adopt a leadership style that's consistent with their values
In today’s fast-paced business world, agility and adaptability are essential. Strengths-based coaching empowers teams to unlock their full potential, drive innovation, and foster high-performance cultures. Strengths-based leadership can increase team engagement and job satisfaction.
The first step to using strengths-based leadership effectively is to take a step back and assess your strengths. What are you best at? What are your weaknesses? Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and it enables you to concentrate on what you do best. This should be done by cultivating your strengths so that your weaknesses become insignificant.
If you would like to learn more about Strengths-based Leadership and how it can lead to a better team, contact me at (320) 979-7116 or email me at

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